Jump to: Curriculum Program Review Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Distance Education Advisory Institutional Research and Effectiveness Honors Program Student Equity Staff Development General Education Advisory Student Success and Support Faculty Allocation Basic Skills Student Success Institutional Integrity Committee Guided Pathways Steering Committee Accreditation Steering Committee Professional Learning FC Sustainability Committee Open Educational Resources District-wide Technology Coordinating Council Institutional Effectiveness Coordinating Council Study Abroad Committee District-wide Enrollment Management Advisory Committee President’s Advisory Council College Diversity Committee College Grade Appeal Committee District Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee District Professional Growth and Development Committee District Equivalency Committee District Adjunct Faculty Hiring Procedure Workgroup District-wide Strategic Plan 2017-20 Workgroup District Mygateway Steering Committee District Adjunct Faculty Hiring Procedure Workgroup District Educational Technology Steering Team
Faculty Senate Committees:
Curriculum Committee
Mission and Purpose
The Curriculum Committee is a campus-level committee and subcommittee of the Fullerton College Faculty Senate, with representation from each division, and resource members from the college community. The CC is charged with facilitating curriculum development and approving curriculum proposals at Fullerton College, as well as general education, graduation, and other curricular policies, procedures, and requirements.
The committee assists faculty with creating course and program proposals and revisions that reflect the excellence of instruction at Fullerton College, comply with Title 5 requirements and have the best opportunity to be supported at all levels of the approval process through the Board of Trustees and the State Chancellor’s Office.
The committee reviews, approves, and/or disapproves modifications of existing curricula and the addition of new courses and programs at FC. In addition, the committee adds, deletes and modifies curricula and approves courses for general education lists for California State University, University of California, Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC), and Fullerton College Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Sciences (AS) degrees.
The curriculum is the major statement any institution makes about itself, about what it can contribute to the intellectual development of students, about what it thinks is important in its teaching service to society. (The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1979)
California’s community college reform bill (AB 1725) assigned to faculty the “primary responsibility for making recommendations in the areas of curriculum and academic standards.” The Fullerton College Curriculum Committee has been responsible for this function since 1990.
Elected by the Faculty Senate for a 3-year term.
1st, 3rd, 5th Wed, 1:30P.
Curriculum Committee Chair (non-voting); Chair must have served on the Curriculum Committee for three years.
10 faculty members, 1 per division, elected by the Faculty Senate
Jennifer Combs (Chair) Couns 2020-23
Gary Graves Bus/CIS 2020-23
Jon-Michael Hattabaugh Couns 2020-23
Frank Guthrie Fine Arts 2019-22
John Ison (Acting Chair, Spring and Fall 2021) Hum 2019-22
Val Macias. Lib 2021-24
Abraham Romero Hernandez Math/CS 2021-24
Guy Dadson Nat Sci 2019-22
Sean Shiel PE 2019-22
Kelly Nelson-Wright Soc Sci 2019-22
George Bonnand Tech/Eng 2020-23
Resource Members
Mark Greenhalgh Dean, Math/CS
Stewart Kimura Matriculation Officer
Scott Lee Articulation Officer
José Ramón Núñez Vice President of Instruction
Marwin Luminarias Curriculum Specialist
Laurie Triefenbach Catalog & Schedule
Nicol Tushla Admissions & Records
TBD Associated Students
Program Review and Planning Committee
Mission and Purpose
Program review and planning supports the College in constantly improving its services and maintaining its accredited status. The self-study and planning process is led by the professionals who work in each program and it is coordinated by the Program Review and Planning Committee, a Faculty Senate committee that ensures the process is systematic and regular.
The chair receives 6.0 units of reassigned time and is a non-voting member.
Josh Ashenmiller Soc Sci 2020-2023
2nd and 4th Thu, 3-4:30P.
Faculty reps from each division plus the Chair
4 management reps
4 classified professionals reps
Voting Members
Barry McCarthy Bus/CIS 2021-24
Nadia Gabaldon Couns 2019-22
Todd Smith Fine Arts 2019-22
Doug Eisner Hum 2019-22
Dave Brown Lib 2019-22
Luciano Rodriguez Math/CS 2020-23
Cal Young Nat Sci 2021-24
Phil Austin. PE 2020-23
Aline Gregorio Soc Sci 2019-22
Rachel Nevarez Tech/Eng 2021-24
Pilar Ellis Manager, ISP
David Grossman Dean, PE
VACANT Classified Professional
VACANT Classified Professional
VACANT Classified Professional
VACANT Classified Professional
Resource Members
Joe Ramirez, Interim Director of Institutional Research & Planning
Gil Contreras, Vice President of Student Services
Jose Ramón Núñez, Vice President of Instruction
Rodrigo Garcia, Vice President of Administrative Services
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee
Mission and Purpose
The mission of the SLOA Committee is to nurture a culture of improvement by facilitating student learning outcomes assessment methods across the institution, facilitating ongoing collegiality, and promoting self-reflective dialogue. The purpose of assessing student outcomes is to improve teaching, learning, and academic advising at the individual, course, program, and institutional level. The SLOA Committee will develop and recommend the campus-wide process for the implementation and assessment of SLOs at the course, program, and institutional level. A College Coordinator is responsible for chairing the committee and in concert with the Vice President, Instruction overseeing that the functions of the SLOA Committee are met. Through their division representatives, the SLOA Committee supports faculty in SLO development, assessment, analysis of data, and the promotion of reflective dialog that drives the use of assessment data to support improvement of student learning.
Chair (College SLOA Coordinator)
Elected by Faculty Senate, the SLO Chair/Coordinator currently receives 6.0 units of reassigned time. The chair-elect receives 3.0 units of reassigned time in the fall semester and then receives 6.0 units of reassigned time as the newly elected chair thereafter.
1st Fri, 12-1P.
10 Faculty Senate elected representatives and a College SLOA Coordinator (non-voting). 1 faculty from each Division and faculty representation can split by semester. SLO Division Representatives are SLO Committee members and receive 1.0 unit of reassigned time.
Voting Members
George Bonnand Tech/Eng (chair) 2021-23
Phat Truong Bus/CIS 2021-23
Deanna Smedley Couns 2021-23
Michael Mueller. Fine Arts 2021-23
Toni Nielson Hum 2021-23
Anya Shyrokova Lib 2021-23
Caleb Petrie Math/CS 2020-22
Brad Dawson Nat Sci 2021-23
Alix Plum PE 2021-23
Matt Tribbe co-Soc Sci 2021-23
Karin Pavelek co-Soc Sci 2021-23
Wendy Perez Tech/Eng 2019-21
Resource Members
Director of Institutional Research & Planning
Vice President of Instruction
Marwin Luminarias, Curriculum Specialist
Distance Education Advisory Committee
Mission and Purpose
DEAC defines a common vision for distance education at the College. It establishes goals and charts the coordinated implementation of distance learning across the campus. In addition, DEAC positions the College to respond most effectively and efficiently to growth in demand and to the rapidly changing technological opportunities within the field of e-learning. Among DEAC’s goals are to: 1) increase student success and retention, 2) establish a comprehensive program for student learning outcome assessment (SLOA) in distance education (DE) courses, 3) increase student access, 4) establish a permanent DE Director and Instructional Technology Center, 5) increase faculty training in DE methods, technologies, and assessment practices, 6) increase student support and training for application to DE classes, 7) ensure and maintain the academic rigor of the DE curriculum, 8) ensure and maintain academic integrity.
4th Tue, 2-4P, Room 324
Voting Members
Brian Roach Bus/CIS 2020-22
Jessica Alcala Couns 2020-22
Megan Debin Fine Arts 2020-22
Lina Callahan Hum 2020-22
Lugene Rosen Lib 2021-23
Robert Diaz Math/CS 2021-23
Michelle Loy Nat Sci 2020-22
Garrett Campbell PE 2021-23
Tracy Guild Soc Sci 2021-23
Alan Ray Tech/Eng 2021-23
Marcus Wilson At-large (Bus/CIS) 2021-23
Kendrick Kim At-large (Bus/CIS) 2021-23
Richard Ghidella At-large (Bus/CIS) 2021-23
Institutional Research and Effectiveness Committee
Mission and purpose
This committee is related to the Accreditation Standard IV.A.5 as of September 2017:
IV.A.5. The role of leadership and the institution’s governance and decision-making structures and processes are regularly evaluated to assure their integrity and effectiveness. The institution widely communicates the results of these evaluations and uses them as the basis for improvement.
as well as to the ongoing implementation of AB1725 (participatory governance).
The purpose of this committee is to provide the Faculty Senate with a tool to research and evaluate the effectiveness of decision-making at Fullerton College and at the District. At the direction of the Faculty Senate this committee will undertake a review and analysis of some existing or proposed decision making process and prepare a report to be submitted to the Senate. Since Faculty can only make recommendations as part of the decision making process, by necessity most processes investigated by IREC will include Faculty, Administrators, and Classified personnel. The ultimate “deciders” are the Trustees and their representatives on campus, such as the College President.
The report created by this committee would include the following:
* A description of the current decision making process
* An analysis of the effectiveness of the current decision making process
* A recommendation to the Faculty Senate for changes to the current decision making process
Potential tasks for the committee:
* Faculty Allocation Process
* Enrollment Management Process
* Technology Allocation Process
* College and District Budget development and allocation process
* College grant and program allocation processes
* other processes and practices the Senate requests the IREC committee to review
Elected by the voting committee members for a 2-year term.
4th Fri, 10-11A, President’s Conference Room-B
10 faculty representatives (1 per division), 3 at-large faculty members, 3 management reps.
Voting members
Dale Craig (Chair) At-large (Bus/CIS) 2018-20
Donna Sayed Bus/CIS 2018-20
Nick Arman Couns 2018-20
Megan Debin Fine Arts 2019-21
Pamela Dunsmore Hum 2019-21
Ian McHugh, Soc Sci at-large (Lib seat) 2019-21
Dana Clahane Math/CS 2018-20
Iris Rauda Nat SCi 2019-21
Yolanda Duron PE 2019-21
Brian Lopez Soc Sci 2019-21
Jay Seidel Tech/Eng 2018-20
Andrew Bridges At-large (Soc Sci) 2018-20
Phat Truong At-large (Bus/CIS) 2018-20
Resource members
Joe Ramirez, Interim Director of Institutional Research and Planning
José Ramón Núñez, Vice President of Instruction
Gil Contreras, Vice President of Student Services
VACANT, Classified Professional
VACANT, Associated Students representative
Role of the committee
This committee is a standing Faculty Senate committee.
Honors Program Advisory Committee
Mission and Purpose
Formed in 1996 as a campus-level committee to provide advisement to the Faculty Senate, the Honors Program Advisory Committee oversees the activities of the Fullerton College Honors Program; works with Deans to select faculty teaching honors courses and to schedule honors classes; screens students participating in the Honors Program; develops visiting lecturer and similar programs; develops additional honors courses; certifies transfer honors students to four-year institutions; and develops and monitors honors membership and transfer contacts.
Designated as Honors Program Coordinator, 6 units of reassigned time
3rd Thu, 1:30-3:30P, Room 822 or 820-P
Honors Program Coordinator
1 Faculty Senate rep per division, with at-large positions for vacancies
Voting Members
Jodi Balma Honors Program Coordinator, 2021-23
Naveen Kanal PE 2020-22
Jon-Michael Hattabaugh Couns 2020-22
Jaime Perez Fine Arts 2020-22
Darren Chiang-Schultheiss Hum 2020-22
Tim Ream Lib 2020-22
Nicole Rossi Math/CS 2020-22
Colleen Kvaska Nat Sci 2020-22
Kelly Nelson-Wright Soc Sci 2021-23
Jay Seidel Tech/Eng 2020-22
Resource Members
Cecilia Arriaza, Transfer Center
Scott Lee, Articulation Officer
Amber Nguyen, Associated Students
Monica Martin, Office of Special Programs
Dani Wilson, Dean, Library/LRISPS
Faculty Allocation Committee
Mission and Purpose
The purpose of the Faculty Allocation Committee is to prioritize faculty hires according to campus-wide needs. When new positions are allocated, this committee will review the requests of all divisions submitted to the committee by the Deans’ Council and will submit a prioritized list to the College President.
Elected by and from the voting committee members for a 2-year term.
On an as-needed basis. This committee will meet when the College President makes a request of the Faculty Senate President to convene the committee. The committee may also be asked to meet with the College President when the College President requires additional input from the committee concerning the committee’s decisions.
10 Faculty Senate Representatives, 1 from each Division, 2-year terms. Half are elected each year. Terms listed are calendar years, not academic years.
Voting Members
Marcus Wilson (Chair) Bus/CIS 2020-22
Cristina Arellano-Duenas Couns 2020-22
Tim Espinosa Fine Arts 2021-23
Joel Salcedo Hum 2021-23
Monique Delatte Starkey Lib 2020-22
Greg Nguyen Math/CS 2020-22
Mike Baker Nat Sci 2020-22
Pete Snyder PE 2021-23
Leonor Cadena Soc Sci 2020-22
Jay Seidel Tech/Eng 2021-23
Joint Faculty Senate / President’s Advisory Council Committees:
Student Equity and Achievement Committee
The Student Equity and Achievement Committee (SEAC) was created in Fall 2019 by mutual agreement of the President and the Faculty Senate to provide leadership advocacy, and the institutional guidance and vision for coordinating campus-wide student success efforts affecting basic skills, transfer, Career Technical Education, completion, diversity, and equity at Fullerton College. This committee will be responsible for the development of the SEA plan required by the State. Additionally, the committee provides recommendations on how to disseminate State Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) funds most effectively to improve and promote achievement and equity.
With the support and collaboration of the entire campus community, the committee will gather and share information and data, consult with constituencies, and serve as a repository of knowledge and as a catalyst for student success and achievement activities on campus. Engaging in this process, SEAC will prioritize and offer solutions, recommend resources, and evaluate effectiveness using appropriate indicators of student success.
SEAC will be co-chaired by a faculty member and an administrator. SEAC reports to the Faculty Senate and the President’s Advisory Council. Recommendations for expenditures and allocations are approved by the Faculty Senate and the President’s Advisory Council.
Voting Members
Co-chairs: 1 faculty member, 1 administrator
10 faculty representatives, 1 per division, faculty co-chair elected by the Committee
3 at-large faculty reps
8 managers with assignments supporting committee activities, minimum 3 deans
4 classified staff professionals
4 students
Ming Yin-Scott Bus/CIS 2021-23
Rolando Sanabria. Couns 2021-23
David Lopez Fine Arts 2021-23
Cynthia Guardado Hum 2021-23
Jill Kageyama Lib 2021-23
Juan Zaragoza Math/CS 2021-23
Chris Fernandez Nat Sci 2021-23
Marcia Foster PE 2021-23
Arnetta Smith Soc Sci 2021-23
Jessica Langlois Tech/Eng 2021-23
Flor Huerta At-large (Couns) 2021-23
Kendrick Kim At-large (BUS/CIS) 2021-23
Lisa Macafee. At-large (Couns) 2021-23
8 Managers (minimum 3 deans):
Jennifer LaBounty (Couns), Elaine Lipiz-Gonzalez (Student Services), Dan Willoughby (Hum), Kristine Nikkhoo (LLRS), Mark Greenhalgh (Math), Jorge Gamboa (SocSci), Cecilila Arriaza (Cadena), Sonia Duran (EOPS)
4 classified staff professionals:
Matthew Apelu (Couns), Angelica Diaz (DSS), Albin Lee (A&R), Greg Menchaca (Couns)
Non-Voting Members
Committee Liaisons (To be designated by their committees listed below. Voting members who serve as liaisons retain their voting privilege.)
Diversity Committee Liaison
Staff Development Committee Liaison
Pathways Steering Committee Liaison
Resource Members
Vice-President of Student Services
Vice President of Instruction
Vice-President of Administrative Services
Director of Institutional Effectiveness
Institutional Integrity Committee
The Institutional Integrity Committee regularly evaluates and makes recommendations on the College’s policies, processes, practices, procedures, and publications in order to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the College’s planning and decision-making process and its alignment with the College’s mission.
Functions include
Review the College’s mission, vision, core values, and goals
Review the College’s processes, practices, and procedures
Review College publications to assure integrity in all representations of its mission, programs, and services
Analyze Institutional Student Learning Outcome (ISLO) data to inform program and institutional decision making
Monitor minimum performance standards
Monitor changes in accreditation standards and trends
Coordinate when relevant with the Program Review Committee
Other items as the Committee sees necessary
Reporting structure
The Committee will report its findings to the Faculty Senate and President’s Advisory Council (PAC).
Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Planning (OIRP)
One faculty member elected by voting members of the committee for a 2-year term
2nd and 4th Tue, 1-3P
Members (2-year terms)
6 Faculty reps (elected by Faculty Senate, with no more than 3 members per academic division; one faculty member becomes co-chair), 3 Management reps, 3 Classified professional reps, 3 Associated Students reps
Resource Members
As determined by the Committee
Voting Members
(Co-chair) Director of Institutional Research and Planning
(Faculty Co-chair)
JP Gonzalez Couns 2020-22
Danielle Fouquette Hum 2020-22
Kim Orlijan Hum 2020-22
David Grossman Manager/PE
Elaine Lipiz Gonzalez Manager/Student Services
Lisa McPheron Director, Office of Campus Communications
Shauna Fisher Classified/Tech/Eng Div
Michael Gieck Classified/OIE
Melissa Serrato Classified/Tech/Eng Div
TBD Associated Students
TBD Associated Students
Resource Members
Vice President, Student Services
Vice President, Instruction
Vice President, Administrative Services
Emma Hangue, Recorder
Pathways Steering Committee
(under construction)
Voting Members
Instructional Faculty (4)
Brandon Floerke Hum 2021-23
Miguel Powers Hum 2021-23
Matt Taylor Hum 2020-23
Scott Malloy Math/CS 2021-22
Student Services Faculty (4)
Linda Kelly-Mandich Couns 2021-23
Arnette Edwards Couns 2021-23
Alexandria Rosales Couns 2020-22
Ana Tovar Couns 2020-22
Workgroup Instructional Faculty Co-Chairs 2021-23:
#1: Clarify the Path: Kim Vandervort (Hum)
#2: Enter the Path: Miguel Powers (Hum)
#3: Stay on the Path:
#4: Ensure Learning: Jeanne Costello (Hum)
Workgroup Counseling Faculty Co-Chairs 2020-22:
#1: Clarify the Path: Ana Tovar
#2: Enter the Path: Rolando Sanabria
#3: Stay on the Path: Alexandria Rosales
#4: Ensure Learning: Deanna Smedley
Accreditation Steering Committee
The Accreditation Steering Committee (ASC) serves as a standing committee that reports to Faculty Senate and PAC. It is responsible for all aspects of the accreditation process at Fullerton College. The primary purpose of the ASC is to guide the college’s accreditation activities, including the following:
- Preparation of any required accreditation reports
- Monitoring of accreditation policies and regulations, including standards issued by ACCJC
- Education of the campus community on accreditation standards and the accreditation process
- Regular review of Fullerton College’s compliance with accreditation standards, including systematic documentation and organization of evidence related to the standards.
- Recommendations to the Faculty Senate and PAC regarding accreditation-related issues.
The ASC is also responsible for ensuring that the self-evaluation process, preparation of reports, and other activities related to accreditation draw on wide campus engagement conducted in a transparent manner.
3rd Mon, 3-5P, Room 1246 (Faculty Lounge)
José Ramón Núñez Accreditation Liaison officer
Danielle Fouquette (Hum) Faculty co-chair 2019-22
6 faculty members. Initially, terms will be 2 years. In Fall 2021, these will convert to 3-year terms. The Faculty Senate will make every effort to make sure faculty terms are staggered to maintain continuity of membership. Maximum of 2 faculty members from the same division.
Josh Ashenmiller (Soc Sci) 2019-21
Naveen Kanal (PE) 2019-21
Darnell Kemp (Hum) 2019-21
Kim Orlijan (Hum) 2019-21
Phat Truong (Bus/CIS) 2019-21
Chase Way (Soc Sci) 2019-21
6 managers
Carlos Ayon, Dean (Bus/CIS)
Gil Contreras, Vice President of Student Services (VPSS)
Jorge Gamboa, Dean (Soc Sci)
Rod Garcia, Vice President of Administrative Services (VPAS)
David Grossman, Dean (PE)
Lisa McPheron, Director of Campus Communications
2 classified professionals
Kelley Jones-Horwood, Administrative Asst. II (Bus/CIS)
Sharon Kelly, Executive Asst. to VPSS
2 students
Professional Learning Committee
Mission and Purpose
The Professional Learning Committee is devoted to supporting the professional learning needed for Fullerton College educators—Faculty (full-time and adjunct), Classified Professionals and Managers—to improve student success. Professional Learning support should contribute to this improvement not only in individual classrooms and student support areas, but across the campus as a whole. Professional Learning believes this will best be achieved by encouraging shared learning and a culture of collaboration in order to become a truly learning-focused institution. In order to further these goals, the Professional Learning Committee determines staff development policies and priorities based on communication with constituent groups; provides campus-wide staff development activities and workshops to meet identified needs; disseminates Professional Learning funds and facilitates shared learning following committee-funded activities; and provides oversight and facilitates the use of the Teaching Effectiveness Center.
Designated as the Staff Development Coordinator and appointed by the Faculty Senate, 9.0 units of reassigned time.
2nd, 4th Thu, 2-4P
8 Faculty Senate Representatives
3 Management Representatives
2 Classified Representatives
2 Students
Voting Members
Jeanne Costello (Chair) Hum 2017-20
Deidre Hughes Hum 2019-21
Val Macias Lib 2019-21
Laura Loney Math/CS 2019-21
Gita Nilkanth Nat Sci 2018-20
Miguel Powers Hum 2018-20
Leonor Cadena SocSci 2019-21
Katheryn McGuthry SocSci 2019-21
sub for Katheryn: Valerie Tuttle (Hum) Spring 2020
Tami Khan Classified/Health Services 2018-20
Giselle Miralles Classified/ Academic Support 2018-20
Monica Martin Mgr/Grants, Econ. & Workforce Development
Dani Wilson Mgr/Dean, LRISPS
Resource Members
Jeanette Sorensen, Staff Development
Dawnmarie Neate, Academic Computing
FC Faculty serving on District and other campus committees
Planning and Budget Steering Committee (PAC Committee)
Mission and Purpose
The Planning and Budget Steering Committee is a subcommittee of the President’s Advisory Council (PAC). It was formed in Fall 2010 to replace the Budget Development Committee established in December 2003. The purpose of the Planning and Budget Steering Committee (PBSC) is to make recommendations to the President’s Advisory Council (PAC) regarding planning and matters related to Fullerton College’s fiscal resource allocations, which includes 1) Making recommendations regarding one-time and ongoing budget requests, including requests for emergency funding and funding for strategic action plans, 2) Reviewing and considering funding recommendations from the Program Review process, and 3) Generating and sharing information on budget structure, budget development, and budget issues. Members of the PBSC are expected to become knowledgeable on the college budget and focus on the entire budget rather than on isolated parts of the budget.
First and third Wednesdays from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., while the college is in session, or at the discretion of the Chair.
Co-Chairs: Vice President of Administrative Services (non-voting) and Director of Institutional Effectiveness (non-voting), 2 Faculty Representatives (four-year term, typically the Faculty Senate President and President Elect/Past President), 2 Management Representatives (one dean and one other manager), 2 Classified Professionals Representatives (three-year term), 2 Associated Students Representatives (one-year term)
Kim Orlijan Hum 2019-22
Marcus Wilson Bus/CIS 2020-24
FC Sustainability Committee (PAC committee)
Aline Gregorio (Chair) Soc Sci 2018-20
Josh Ashenmiller Soc Sci 2019-20
Sergio Banda Soc Sci 2019-21
JP Gonzalez Couns 2018-20
Kristen Shedd Soc Sci 2019-21
Open Educational Resources (OER) Liaison to Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC)
Jane Ishibashi LIB 2020-22
District-wide Technology Coordinating Council (TCC) (3 faculty reps, 2-yr terms) (3rd Tue, 3:30-5:00P)
Contact: Karla Garcia
Megan Debin Fine Arts 2020-22
Michelle Priest Nat Sci 2018-20
Richard Smead Bus/CIS 2019-21
Institutional Effectiveness Coordinating Council (IECC) (1 faculty rep, 2-yr term) (3rd Mon, 3:30-5P)
Contact: Annalisa Iglesias
Kim Orlijan FC Fac Sen Pres 2018-22
Study Abroad Committee (6 faculty reps, 2-yr term) (Meets 2nd Thu, 4-5P)
This is a joint Faculty Senate/President’s Advisory Council Committee
Chair receives 6 units reassigned time
Angela Henderson (Chair) Hum 2019-22
Gary Graves Bus/CIS 2021-23
Danielle Fouquette Hum 2021-23
Naveen Kanal PE 2021-23
Katie Kroupa Nat Sci 2021-22
Kim Vendervort Hum 2020-22
District-wide Enrollment Management Advisory Committee (DEMAC) (3 faculty reps, 2-yr term) (meets 1st Mon, 3-4:30P, Anaheim 101)
Jennifer Combs Couns 2017-19
Jake Sapiro Nat Sci 2018-20
Flor Huerta Couns 2018-20
President’s Advisory Council (PAC) (2 faculty reps, 2-year terms plus Faculty Senate President and President-Elect (or Past President) (meets 2nd & 4th Wed, 2:00-4:00P, Room 227)
Kim Orlijan (Faculty Senate Pres) Hum 2018-22
Jennifer Combs (Fac Sen Pres Elect) Couns 2020-24
Aline Gregario SocSci 2020-22
Marcus Wilson Bus/CIS 2021-23
College Enrollment Management (Oversight?) Committee (PAC committee) (3 faculty reps, 2-yr term) (meets 2nd Fri. 10-11:30A)
Jennifer Combs Couns 2016-18
Flor Huerta Couns 2016-18
Gigi Blanche Soc Sci 2017-19
College Diversity Committee (2 faculty reps, 2-yr term) (1st Wed, 3-5P)
This is a PAC Committee
Leonor Cadena Soc Sci 2019-21
Carl Stanaway Fine Arts 2019-21
College Grade Appeal Committee (2 faculty reps, 2-yr term) (meets as needed)
Toni Nielson Hum 2018-20
Nick Arman Couns 2019-21
District Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee (1 faculty rep, 2-yr term) (last Thu, 3:30-5:00P, Anahiem 101A)
Naveen Kanal PE 2020-22
District Professional Growth and Development Committee, a.k.a. the Sabbatical Committee (3 faculty reps, 2-yr term) (meets once in Feb.)
Julie Felender Soc Sci 2019-21
Deborah Paige Hum
District Equivalency Committee (1 faculty rep, 2-yr term) (meets Mon 2:30-3:30P as needed, Anaheim Campus)
Dale Craig Bus/CIS 2019-21
District Adjunct Faculty Hiring Procedure Workgroup (2 faculty reps, date and time TBA) (elected 2-Feb 17, 5-Sep 19)
Gary Graves Bus/CIS 2019-21
Jeanetter Rodriguez Hum 2019-21
District-wide Strategic Plan 2017-20 Workgroup (1 faculty rep)
Abraham Romero Hernandez Math/CS 2017-20
District Mygateway Steering Committee (1 faculty rep, last Wed 9:00A, Room 101A)
Mitch Swenson Hum 2017-19
District Adjunct Faculty Hiring Procedure Workgroup (2 faculty reps, formed Feb 2017)
Flor Huerta Couns
Renee Young Tech/Eng
District Educational Technology Steering Team (ETST) (1 faculty rep, 2-yr term) (meets 4th Thu, 4-5P, Anaheim 100-B)
Chase Way So Sci 2019-21