The Fullerton College Faculty Senate represents faculty interests and views in academic and professional manners in the College and District.  The Faculty Senate makes recommendations to the College President, and maintains faculty representation on College and District committees.  Any full-time faculty member is eligible to serve on the Faculty Senate.  The Senate meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 3:00P in the Faculty Lounge (Room 1246).

As established in our Constitution, the Faculty Senate promotes the cause of education and promotes communication and understanding between College and District constituencies to achieve the highest possible degree of professional relations, and to assure regularized means whereby those affected by major policy, procedure, or program development or changes may have a voice in their development prior to their adoption, as governed by and consistent with all provisions of California Law.

The Faculty Senate derives its power and responsibilities from Title 5 of the California Education Code.  As representatives of the faculty, the Faculty Senate makes recommendations to the College and District with respect to academic and professional matters, the so-called “10+1,” which are:


  1. curriculum, including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines
  2. degree and certificate requirements
  3. grading policies
  4. educational program development
  5. standards and policies regarding student preparation and success
  6. district governance structures, as related to faculty roles
  7.  faculty roles and involvement in the accreditation process, including self-study and annual reports
  8. policies for faculty development activities
  9. processes for program review
  10. processes for institutional planning and budget development
  11. and other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon by the governing board and the academic senate.